Friday, January 23, 2015

Exciting New Project

My fictional small town of Oakville ~ where people still know their neighbors, friendships last a lifetime, and gossip is a force of nature ~ continues to grow....

Not in population, I hope, because it's a nice size right now, but in the number of stories told about its friends and lovers, its shopkeepers and their customers.

Four wonderful authors, Carol Ann Kauffman & Giulietta Maria Spudich & JW Stacks  & Samna Ghanihave joined me in developing an anthology of five linked stories about the members of a  reading group, 

The Monday Mystery Society is born out of some fast and creative thinking on the part of Rob Gordon, co-owner of Oakville's independent bookstore Acorns.  He's attracted to customer Marissa Cullen, and he's about to ask her out when he sees her face closing up in refusal.  So instead of suggesting she have dinner with him, he invites her to sign up for the new book group just forming: a group that coincidentally meets on Mondays (her day off) and begins with a book she has just purchased.

We're looking at the first story, A Mystery For Marissa, coming out sometime in March from Books To Go Now, with the other four following at 2 to 3 week intervals.